Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Elfa Office

As a housewarming present, my sister gave us a gift card for Elfa shelving from the Container Store.  We were originally planning on using it to reconfigure one of the closets, but with the baby coming, we are losing our guest room and so we wanted to rearrange our office so the setup is slightly less awkward for guests.  We also needed better storage options than the current way the desk in there is set up.  We went to the Container Store website and picked this option to purchase as a kit.  It was college night on Sunday night, so we headed to the store knowing they wouldn't pull custom Elfa at the event, but I had called earlier to ask if they had the kit in stock and was told they had everything in stock. Then we got there, they told us that a kit doesn't technically exist, but we sadfaced them about driving all the way from Baltimore to Rockville and they very very kindly agreed to pull it for us.  We did make a modification which resulted in losing a shelf, but the office is so short another shelf would have been too crowded.  We also can reconfigure our existing Elfa a bit now as well and might get more room that way. 
This is the new desk setup, currently still over our futon, which will be moving to the other end of the room once we have gotten the desk out of the way. 

This set of Elfa will be moving into the baby's room, most likely with only the basket shelf (which has a closet rod attachment that we can use to hang fancy baby clothes, since the room has no closet), and two of the white shelves.  The third white shelf will move to Mark's desk above the monitor. 

This Elfa will probably stay the way it is, except that middle rod, which is part of their "back of door" solutions will be moving most likely to the baby's room or to the bathroom, depending on where we decide we need more storage.  This is my original set of Elfa, which I've had since college.  We have had it in four apartments, plus the house, and it has held up great.  It's about 8 years old and has been extremely versatile.  My hope is to get the craft area a bit better organized, maybe this weekend, and get all of the stuff moved over so we can get the desk out. Apparently Salvation Army will come pick up furniture, so that may be our best option for getting both the desk and the bookcase out. 

Monday, July 21, 2014


As such things go, we began the process of converting our guest room into a nursery.  Once the books were downstairs, the bed needed to go. The frame and mattress both went to different friends and yesterday M. started to assemble some of the furniture we got.  We decided to go with an Ikea Kallax unit to use as a changing table, so that has three sets of legs to raise it to a better height for changing.  The color scheme for the room is yellow, aqua, and white, with a sea life theme. 

On top of the Kallax unit are the drawers for our new bathroom vanity.  We decided, after getting extremely high quotes to redo the bathroom in it's entirety, that since the bathroom is in mostly good shape and we really just want a new vanity, to put in a new vanity.  First we have to have a plumber come in and insulate the pipes properly, and then we will need to install the vanity.  (I'm using the term "we" lightly, I think my responsibilities will include keeping M. company.)
So the big to-do list between now and October includes the following:

  • Assemble crib (one it comes in)
  • Make mobile
  • Paint dresser
  • Hang artwork
  • Purchase glider
  • Check windows/walls for lead paint
  • Hang Elfa
  • Clear out storage cubes
  • Call plumber, have them repair pipes
  • Install new vanity and sink
  • Install new Elfa desk
  • Get rid of old desk
  • Move old Elfa out
  • Purge and organize crafting supplies
  • Radon inspection
  • Make room for upright freezer in the basement
  • Clear out shelving between closets
  • Bolt everything to the walls
That's all that's on the list that I can think of for now, but things are starting to get awfully cute around here:

Saturday, July 19, 2014


All three bookcases are up and all of them are filled with all of our books. 
We still have to bolt them to the wall, and there is room in the bottom for anything else we need to store.