Our old washer dryer is a matched set, in perfect working condition. The general craigslist value seems to be about $200 if you cannot offer a warranty or delivery. We have been unable to get any interest on ours so far, because we refused to discount them that much at this point. At some point, we may be better off donating them to Habitat's Restore and taking the tax write off (but that will require itemizing and I didn't get receipts for everything else we donated so it would be frustrating to do it now.)
Our new washer dryer is the GE Unitized 27" with gas dryer. The 3.4 cubic foot capacity is still twice the capacity of our old washer, so we're pretty excited.
I'm sure some people might wonder why anyone would go with one of these units:
(source) |
Ultimately, it came down to two issues - price, and convenience. In the three weeks we've had a front loading dryer, I have hated taking clothes out of the low dryer. One of the reviews I read talked about how painful it was to bend down to get clothes out of a front-loading washer. We decided that a stacked unit is more convenient for a number of reasons - it's much easier to just put the clothes from the top loading washer into the dryer, and it's much nicer to not have to bend down at all to put the clothes in either the washer or dryer. Also, the front loaders would set us back at least another $500 more than the stacked. There were generally mixed reviews about the front loaders, saying they don't get clothes clean enough, etc.
With the new unit, it will be just off the kitchen and pretty visible, so I might end up being disappointed that we didn't choose the more aesthetically pleasing unit, but hopefully that's going to turn out to be one of those things I really don't care about. |
One other nice thing about the stacked unit over the two front-loaders is that as you're taking stuff out of the dryer, you can fold it on top of the (closed) washer.